Thursday, December 26, 2019

energetske kuglice/ bliss balls



Oblika kuglice, loptice, umotane u papir izgledaju kao bombone, od sirovih namirnica pravljenje, pune orašastih plodova, konzumiraju se u zalogaju i pune su energije (oko 376560 džula po kuglici).
U eri treninga, dizanja utega, vitog tela i pucanja od zdravlja. Za pohvalu termički netaknutoj namirnici, sirovoj revoluciji, pogubnosti belog šećera, predstavljam vam kuglice!

Za 30 kuglica potrebno je:
100g badema, mleven
100g oraha, mleven
50g lešnika, mleven
130g urmi, sveže, bez koštice
100g šargarepe, oguljena, narendana na sitno
mleveni cimet, pola kašičice
prstohvat soli
vanila, 3-4 kašičice
muškatni oraščić, četvrt kašičice   

120g crne čokolade, 74% kakaa
maslinovo ulje, pola kašičice
U blenderu prvo sameljite urme. Urmama dodajte sve ostale sastojke (osim čokolade) i miksajte dok ne dobijete kompaktnu masu. Smesu prebacite u činiju i ostavite u frizideru 7-10 minuta. Uzmite pleh veličine koja može da stane u zamrzivač. Obložite pleh papirom za pečenje. Izvadite smesu iz frižidera i kašičicom zagrabite smesu i formirajte kuglicu. Redjajte kuglice na pleh i kada izvaljate poslednju kuglicu stavite pleh u zamrzivač da se kuglice stegnu i ohlade dok se čokolada otopi na pari, najviše 20 minuta.
Naseckanu čokoladu otopite na pari. Dodajte par kapljica maslinovog ulja, promešajte. Izvadite kuglice iz zamrzivača. Sačekajte minut dva da se čokolada prohladi i lagano viljuškom umačite kuglicu po kuglicu u istopljenu čokoladu. Nemojte da nabadate kuglicu, samo je lagano prihvatite viljuškom i zaronite u čokoladu, izvadite je i višak čokolade će se sliti niz rešetku od viljuške. Redjajte kuglice obložene čokoladom nazad u pleh. Kada uvaljate poslednju kuglicu odložite pleh u frižider da se čokolada stegne.
Rok trajanja kuglica u frižideru je do dve nedelje, a mogu i da se zamrznu i tako produže život.

Nije varka, ove kuglice su savršenog ukusa plus izgledaju isto tako savršeno. Tanki omotač od čokolade ih štiti od isušivanja i hrska prilikom zagriza. Šargarepa daje boju, svežinu i slatkoću kuglici. Za ovaj recept ja sam kupila karotu, slatku šargarepu. 


Bliss balls
Energy balls
Nut balls
Date balls
Vegan balls


Ball shaped, wrapped in paper look like candy, made from raw foods full of nuts, consumed in a bite and full of energy (about 376560 joules per ball).

For 30 balls you will need:
100g walnuts, ground
100g almonds, ground
50g hazelnuts, ground
130g medjool fresh dates, without stones
100g carrot, peeled and grated 
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
3-4 tsp vanilla extract 
pinch of salt 

120g dark chocolate, 74% cocoa
few drops of olive oil

Place dates in a blender and blend them first. Then add all other ingredients, except chocolate, and mix until you have a compact mass. Transfer mixture to a bowl and refrigerate for 7-10 minutes. Take a baking tray that can fit in the freezer. Put the baking paper on a tray. Remove the mixture from the refrigerator and scoop into bites with a teaspoon and roll into balls. Arrange the balls on a baking tray and leave in the freezer for a maximum of 20 minutes. During that time melt the chocolate.
Use a double boiler and melt the chocolate. Add a few drops of olive oil and stir. 
Remove the balls from the freezer. Wait for a minute or two for the chocolate to cool slightly. Dip each ball into melted chocolate and gently place back on the baking tray. After dipping the last ball put the tray in the fridge and leave them to cool and firm up.
The shelf life of the balls in the fridge is up to two weeks, but you can easily freeze them and prolong the shelf life.  

No cheating, these balls are perfect in taste and in their appearance. The thin chocolate coating protects them from drying out and gives crunchiness when you bite. The carrot gives color, freshness and sweetness to the ball. Make sure to always use sweet fresh carrot.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

peas, leeks and dill/ grašak, praziluk i mirodjija

U epizodi zeleno, volim te zeleno.

Lagano nastavljamo tamo gde smo stali. Zvezda ovog posta je smrznuti grašak. Moje omiljeno smrznuto povrće. 
Pre par godina sam imala nezgodu sa prstom i smznuti grašak me je spasio od sigurnog ludila. Satima smo grašak i ja čekali na anesteziiju i medjusobno se stiskali i hladili. Tada mi je bilo skroz primereno da mu posvetim jedan sufle recept i tako mu se bar malo odužim, a on bi zauzvrat još jednom narastao i to na očigled svih. Ali to se nije desilo, tj. taj se sufle nije desio. Desile su se razne čorbe, namazi, variva, testenine i po koje zapinjanje o nogu stola i stolice. 
Danas pripremamo grašak po receptu kraljice smrznutog graška Najdžele (Nigella Lawson).
Po originalnom receptu pileći karabataci se peku zajedno sa graškom. Ovo je izmenjena varijanta recepta, odnosno recept je redukovan i karabataci su izostavljeni.
Svakako treba pomenuti da grašak u ovom receptu ne 'raste', naprotiv, malo se i smanjuje, smežurava, ali ukus je i dalje čaroban.

Grašak iz rerne
Za 4 osobe
900g smrznutog graška (dve kese)
6 kašika maslinovog ulja 
6 kašika suvog belog vina
4-6 kašika vode
2 čena belog luka, narendati
dva praziluka, oprati i iseći na kolutove debljine oko 2-3cm (koristiti svetlo zelene delove)
2 kašičice krupne morske soli
veza sveže mirodjije, natrgati

Grašak iz kese izručiti na pleh i tome dodati sečeni praziluk, mirodjiju (otprilike pola veze). Začiniti sa solju, belim lukom, uljem, vinom i dodati 4 kašike vode. Sve dobro promešati i staviti u prethodno zagrejanu rernu da se peče na 200 stepeni 45 minuta. Nakon 45 minuta izvaditi tepsiju i još jednom sve promešati. Ukoliko vam se učini da je grašak suv dodati još nekoliko kašika vode. Vratiti u pećnicu i peći dodatnih 30 minuta.
Tepsiju izvaditi iz rerne, dodati preostalu svežu mirodjiju i servirati.

Zamrzivač bez graška je tužan.
Zamrzivač bez graška noću plače i zato ispušta razne čudne zvuke.
Uživajte u hladnom vremenu i smrznutom grašku!

Green, I love you so.

Slowly but surely we continue to blog. The star of this post is frozen pea, my favorite frozen vegetable.
Few years back I had an accident with a finger and frozen peas saved me from complete madness. While waited for hours to get anesthesia, me and my frozen peas were squeezing and cooling each other. At the time it was perfectly appropriate to create pea souffle recipe, to pay him back in a way. And pea would rise again, this time in front of everyone. But that did not happen, that souffle recipe didn't happen. Instead, there were various stews, spreads, soups, pastas, and some stumbles over chair and table legs.

Today we prepare peas following the recipe of Queen of the frozen peas Nigella Lawson.

According to the original recipe, chicken thighs are baked together with peas. This is a bit modified version, reduced, chicken thighs are omitted.

It's also worth mentioning that peas do not 'swell or grow' in this recipe, on the contrary, they decrease slightly in volume, shrivel up, but the taste is magical.

Peas from the oven
For 4 people
900g frozen peas (2 packs)
6 tablespoons olive oil
6 tablespoons dry white wine
4-6 tablespoons tapped water
2 cloves of garlic, minced
two leeks, washed and cut into rings about 2-3cm thick (use only light green pieces) 
2 teaspoons of coarse sea salt
bunch of fresh dill, torn into peaces

Place frozen peas on a baking tray together with leeks and garlic. Season with olive oil, salt, add approximately half of the dill and add wine and 4 tablespoons of water. Stir everything well and place in a preheated oven to bake at 200 degrees for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, remove the pan from the oven and carefully stir peas. Add few more spoons of water if necessary and return to oven and bake for further 30 minutes.

Remove the tray from the oven, add remaining dill and serve.

The freezer without peas is sad.
freezer without peas is crying at night and therefore makes a variety of strange noises.

Enjoy frozen season and frozen peas!